The Morecambe Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No.716. 
Friday 26th February 2016
Regular Meeting of the Lodge.  (Business Includes Two Elevations)
It’s Friday, 3pm and time to set off for Morecambe, looking forward to another great evening with good friends old and new, this time it’s the Royal Ark Mariners which is closely connected to the Mark Degree and has that same warm and happy feeling at all its meetings.
Off we go Snoopy and Tom for company as usual and I know you won’t believe it but I went straight up the M60 ramp and joined lane one, switched over to lane three as usual to climb over the high level bridge at Barton, traffic slowed slightly but didn’t stop, and before I knew it I was on the M62 heading towards Preston, this has to be a first.
WM Before the meeting
The WC’s Chair
Carving on WC's Chair
All was going well on to the M6 listening to a play on radio 4 Extra but I didn’t get carried away like I have done in the past when I missed my exit, off at junction 34, now this is where things started to change there seemed to be road works everywhere! I got to the side of a large Car Wash and Tom just for fun took me off in the wrong direction, twice round the block and I made it back on to the correct road, well it would get boring if it was right all the time but it would save me from swearing.
Lodge before the Meeting
Ornate Ceiling
Shaun Heynes, Provincial Organist
WC’s Sceptre
To my rescue came W.Bro. Stephen Lyons (WM Temperance Mark Lodge) who knocked on my window and said “Hello Austin yes you’ve arrived now all you have to do is park up” my uncle left a while ago and he’s not back yet, I think he went to find one on the sea front. Off I went found my way to the front up and down I went and by now I couldn’t place where the hall would be in respect to where I was, saw that famous statue about three times before pulling in to a nice quiet car park, oh oh only one slight problem all my change was back in Urmston. !! Decided I would have a go at the pay on line offered at the pay station, put your reg in, vehicle name, colour on and on it went so like many others before me I said goodbye and left. I found a large car park round the other side of the hall containing several Royal Mail vehicles now this will do nicely, I hurried off to the hall to get some change, I asked one man on the way were there any shops open nearby where I could get change he just mumbled they won’t give you any, I said I am prepared to buy something, ah well off I went, the only shop open was selling wool !!   Back at the Hall the W.Com gave me enough change to feed the parking meter and that was that.    
Now how does this Ritual Go?
PGM always ready for a chat
Concentration is what’s needed

PGM having a chat with two new Royal Ark Mariners

Time to relax back at the hall and before too long it was time for the meeting to start, everyone seated off we go, some usual business was dealt and a ballot taken for three yes three new Candidates for Elevation, all of which proved successful. The RW Provincial Grand Master Bro Keith Alan Beardmore had taken the gavel as he usually does on these occasions and introduced distinguished Brethren present and members of his Provincial Team. Tonight was going to witness a Double Ceremony with a special SD taking over none other than Bro. James Anthony Harrison the RW Prov Grand Master and Grand Superintendant for West Lancashire, (now you don’t see this every day) and what a good job he made of it. Bro. Paul Stephen Broadley and Bro. David Keith Tattersall were Elevated in fine style by the W.Com. Bro.John N Stanley, W.Bro. John Rimmer the DC and his team of officers as new members of Morecambe RAM. The Tools were presented and explained by W.Bro. Harrison and the steps were explained by W.Bro. Geoffrey Bury RAMGR, a wonderful Ceremony had been witnessed by all present. I would just like to add at this point what an absolute pleasure it is to hear such wonderful music being played by the Provincial Organist W.Bro. Shaun Heynes, being a muso myself I find it a pure delight.
WC in good Company with Two PGM’s
The Candidates in august Company
'If I Was a Rich Man'. W.Bro.Peter Jackson who was acting as Treasurer.
The meeting over everyone made their way to the well stocked bar in the dining room which was traditionally laid out in RAM style, here was yet another surprise who was the head barman, yes none other than W.Bro. Harrison, for which he deserves full credit, now I observed him in full flow for a few minutes  he definitely does it with style and I think if he ever needs a new job he would go down great in one of the Honky Tonk Bars on Broadway in Nashville. (my visits to Music City now that’s a whole different story)
The WM ably supported
The Collars
Place Mat
Here Brothers and friends my story ends on this occasion, the starters were laid out and looked really tasty, I picked up my Knife and Fork at which point my phone started buzzing unfortunately my Brother had been taken into hospital after suffering a stroke so obviously I had to leave. I’m sure all were treated to a fine meal at the social board and enjoyed some fine toasts and speeches before setting off in all directions to their own homes and firesides, here’s to our next merry meeting.
WC & PGM Toast.
Above and Below The Festive Board
Mark Well.

Austin N.Fletcher. PGJO.  Flixton Shepherd Eastwood Mark Lodge. No.1173.